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    My house is rather big. This is a detached house. It has 2 floors and basement. Downstairs there are : kitchen,bathroom, a dining room and a living room. Upstairs- there are my bedroom, my brother's/sisters'bedroom and my parents'bedroom. An my house has a porch and cellar too. And - under ground level there is a basement too. And outside we have a patio, very big garden and garage. ;)


  • Snicki

    My house isn't big, but I love it. I have one bathtoom, living room, kitchen and my bedroom. My kitchen is sunny and pretty. In my badroom ther is a bed, desk and two chair. On my bookcase there are a lot of books. On the desk there is a computer. In my baroom's a shower, bath, washbassin, toilet and one mirrow. In living room ther's TV, sofa, two armchairs and picture. In the picture's two sunflowers. Picture is very funny. In my house leav's I, my mum and my dad. I love my house.

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